You are here: Customers > Modify Customers > POS Screen Customer Modify

POS Screen Customer Modify

Modifying customers through the POS Screen can be done in two ways depending on the setting used in Idealpos.


Customer Button with Y/N Options enabled for ‘Fast Customer Searching’ and 'Fast Customer Searching allow Modify'

Press the ‘Customer’ button on the POS Screen.



Start typing a name > Buttons will start to appear that much your selection > Press the button for the Customer that you want to select.



The screen will change where you can modify a select amount of fields related to the Customer.



>>> Button at the top of POS Screen

If a Customer has already been selected for the sale and their details are displaying on the screen, there will be a small '>>>' button at the top of the screen in yellow.



This will toggle the Customer Details to display in the bottom right half of the screen.



Select Modify > the full Customer details window will open, where you can edit all fields that apply to the Customer.

For more information about the Customer fields that are displayed when modifying a Customer, click here.



Press Save to be taken back to the previous screen.